10 years old. Filipino. Newest online sensation. Winnipegger.
OK. As the story nowadays goes: kid sings. video of kid singing uploaded on YouTube. video gets tons of views. video noticed by celebrity. kid = on the way to STARDOM. *insert shimmering sound effects here*
Here you'll see Maria singing Lady Gaga's song, Born This Way. Views are up to 2,028,902 at press time (LOL). Perez Hilton somehow managed to watch it, who then tweeted it to Lady G herself.
"Can't stop crying watching this. This is why I make music. She is the future," said Lady Gaga on Twitter.
The video is only two days old but my, my she's already been interviewed by Ace Burpee of Hot 103, has already made a guesting on, well, Ace Burpee's show hihi, has been offered a trip to Toronto by Virgin Radio 99.9 (which was cancelled due to our lovely blizzardy weather yesterday), and invited to sing with Lady Gaga during the Canadian leg of her tour in March. Whoa, this kid is going to have a great summer! ;p
Pretty cool seeing a young Fil girl from Winnipeg, Manitoba (where that? LOL) makin' waves in the music industry.
The power of the internet, I tell ya, is just A-MA-ZING.
But wait, there's something missing in the equation...hmmm...has Ellen or Oprah seen the video yet? Then she'll sign some record deals. After that, she's off to Glee! hi hi ;p
The Disney princess in me decided this video to be my fave of Maria:
Oh, and one last thing. Maria said on one of her interviews that she idolizes Lady G. Now I don't know how I feel about that yet. Actually I do. I really, really, REALLY hope it's not true. hihi. ;p
Best of luck, Maria! Filipeggers represent! hihihi! ;p
I claim that word BTW...Filipeggers. Bwahaha! ;p
Another last thing: Here she talks to Lady Gaga on air at Hot 103. Actually made me tear up a bit. :)
Another last thing: Here she talks to Lady Gaga on air at Hot 103. Actually made me tear up a bit. :)