I love food. I just can’t stay away from food. No matter what I do. FOOD FOOD FOOD.
Ever since school started, my exercise routine has practically stopped. And now I’m a couple pounds over my regular weight (and still getting heavier.) Actually, I don't even remember when I last went to the gym....or even if I ever did. .......Oh, you know what, I did. I went to the Wellness Institute a couple times to play badminton with my friends. But still, that isn't really gyming. When I gym...I gym...the whole shebang.
Anyhoo, all I know is that since September, I’ve been having a hard time fitting going to the gym in my schedule. I always plan to go...but I never do. So by November, I decided to cancel my membership at the Y. Oh how I miss the Y. I figured that if I ever get any time to gym, I can gym at the school gym - for free.
And so now, I always have my trainers and a change of gym clothes collecting dust in my locker just in case I feel like gyming. I repeat - just. in. case. hahaha. I always do feel like gyming. It’s just that after class, I turn into a lazy bum. When I sit down and look at all the homework I have to do, I sigh and say to myself that “There is no way that I’ll be able to gym.” THEN I log into Facebook. HAHAHA. kidding. But yea...it can take me a few hours to get my homework done, even if its just to write a little paragraph about, say, my IPP. (ok that’s a bit exaggerated.)
Every time I’m connected to the internet - by laptop or iPod - I almost always somehow end up being on Facebook! Even though I don’t mean to. I’ll be working on a paper, then I’ll get a bit of downtime when I’m thinking of something to write. Then as if my hand’s on auto pilot, it clicks on Facebook. And before I know it, I’ve already ‘liked’ a ton of stuff already, commented on my friends' posts, commented on THEIR comments and posted pictures of myself and whatnot. Argh. LOOK, now I’m talking about Facebook hahahahaha. Perfect example? =)) Ok, I digress.
Back to the gym. I always plan to go to the gym, *fiddles with her thumbs* but I just never get around to do it. So I just keep packing on the pounds.
Now to make it even harder is the HOLIDAYS!! ARGH the holidays! *raises fists* Already I don't exercise, and eat so much more than my body can burn, and then there's all that food during the holidays that no way can anybody avoid!! I can almost curse the yummy mouth-watering spread of food on buffet tables...............!$^%$^#@^ WHY DOES FOOD HAVE TO BE SOOO GOOD???? *then takes a couple cupcakes* hahahaha. =))
I just haven’t been this um.... “meaty” in a long time.
So, since I know that I’m not the only one with this problem - cause I noticed that some people seem to be chubbier in the Winter than in the Summer (MWAHAHAHAHA!) - I wanna share some tips on how you can drop some weight.
- EAT, EAT, EAT. then GYM, GYM, GYM. This is one thing you can do if you don’t wanna lessen the food you eat. I highly recommend this but you have to be DISCIPLINED. And you need to have a REGULAR SCHEDULE of exercise in order to make this work.
- Eat in small portions. My sister used to do this because she wanted to lose a few pounds for her grad ball...and she did. She used to only eat from a little bowl maybe about 3.5 inches in diameter and 2.5 inches deep. Everything would be in there, rice and a viand. She’ll only eat one of those bowls per meal. Whatever she could fit in there. I tried that once, but I had to get seconds, thirds, and fourths. hahaha. =))
- DON’T EAT. yea right.
OK, that's all I got. Basically, what I’m saying is that NOT EATING is not an option, so it’s either eat less, or eat AND exercise.
You have to work for it. I don’t really believe in liposuction or those diets. Because they’re only temporary. And they cost money. What if you can’t afford to pay for those anymore? Whacha gonna do huh? Whacha gonna do???
So what of these do I do? I do #1 hihihi. But then again, since September, I’ve only been able to do half of it...which is to EAT EAT EEEEEAT. hahaha. Oh well. That’s life. Imma really start THINKING about gyming fo’realz.
Remember, the key is DISCIPLINE. Another key is SELF-CONTROL. (Question: if there’re keys, where’re the locks? BWAHAHAHAHAHA)
And finally, remember: NO PAIN, NO GAIN.
Kbye. ;p